July 30th

Welcome to the 2020 season!
Log on and enjoy the vibrant art scenes in Bristol and Warren.
Virtually visit open studios and galleries to see talks with artists, art demonstrations, and more!
Explore the variety of art spaces in both towns.
(watch your favorite artist or venue’s segment by clicking on the links below)
Art Demos, Tours and Talks from:
Hotpoint Emporium, 39 State Street, Bristol
Featured Artists: Andrew Nassar & Richard Bradley
Kendall Reiss Studio & Gallery, 469 Wood Street, Bristol
Featured Artists: EMERGENT – 2D, sculptural and installation
with works by Andy Pepper & Kristin Street
The Gallery at Sprout CoWorking, 489 Main Street, Warren
Featured Artist: Robin Hogg
Youth Artist Jordan Scriven
Re/Max River’s Edge, 423 Hope Street, Bristol
Featured Artist: Jeanne Raimondi
Paintings by Judith Guild
Inkfish Books, 488 Main St, Warren
Moon Tide Dyers, 30 Cutler St, Warren
Rosemary’s School of Dance, 70 Wood St, Warren
IMAGO Gallery, 36 Market St, Warren
Featured Artists: Eileen Mayhew, David Pinkham,
Howard Rotblat-Walker & Mike Somers
Cindy Daniels Studio, 412 Thames Street, Bristol
Music Performances by
Julio Amaro, MorganEve Swain & Paul Rocha
Animation by Maddie Dennis